Non-Linear Compression: Gzip Me Not!
Michael F. Nowlan,
Bryan Ford, and
Ramakrishna Gummadi
Yale University
4th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems
(HotStorage '12)
June 13-14, 2012, Boston, MA
Most compression algorithms
used in storage systems today
are based on an increasingly outmoded
sequential processing model.
Systems wishing to decompress blocks out-of-order or in parallel
must reset the compressor's state before each block,
reducing adaptiveness and limiting compression ratios.
To remedy this situation,
we present Non-Linear Compression,
a novel compression model
enabling systems to impose an arbitrary partial order
on inter-block dependencies.
Mutually unordered blocks may be compressed and decompressed
out-of-order or in parallel,
and a compressor can adaptively compress each block
based on all causally prior blocks.
This graph structure captures
the system's data dependencies explicitly and completely,
enabling the compressor to adapt using long-lived state
without the constraint of sequential processing.
Preliminary experiences
with a simple Huffman compressor
suggest that non-linear compression fits
a diverse set of storage applications.
Paper: PDF
Slides: PDF
This research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation
under grants